Vultr has always embraced direct partnerships with companies that focus on providing all customers faster performance and better value across all applications. Which is why we, at Vultr, are proud to announce that we have joined Cloudflare's Bandwidth Alliance! The Vultr infrastructure cloud has already established itself as a market leader in delivering high performance connectivity across all of our worldwide points of presence in North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. Compute and bare metal plans are also configured to minimize unexpected overages by including generous bandwidth quotas from the start. In the coming months, we look forward to further improve the value we deliver to customers by offering free egress between Vultr and Cloudflare for our entire product range. Is a large portion of your bandwidth activity related to Cloudflare and have questions about this upcoming change? Open a support ticket today to discuss it with our network engineers. To ask us questions or give us feedback, you can reach us from our contact page or by tweeting @Vultr.