This past August we announced Vultr Kubernetes Engine (Beta). We’ve continued introducing new features, like Terraform and CLI support, and we’re getting great feedback from customers such as Porter, a modern Heroku alternative. We’re working hard to solidify the platform and introduce all the features you expect, and we recently passed a key milestone: VKE is now a CNCF Certified Kubernetes platform. The rigorous conformance testing validates that VKE meets consistency standards and ensures Vultr Kubernetes Engine will continue to meet these expectations through ongoing automated testing. Vultr Kubernetes Engine is a fully-managed offering that runs on Vultr’s cloud compute platform, making Kubernetes easy to use. Unlike many other Kubernetes services, VKE has no fee for the control plane - all you pay for are the cloud resources you deploy (worker nodes, load balancers and block storage resources). Most of Vultr’s users are developers, and it is important to us that we can provide a standardized, certified Kubernetes experience out-of-the-box, said Mike Marinescu, CTO of Vultr. "We're already the independent cloud with the most global locations, and we look forward to introducing VKE to developers all around the world when we go GA in 2022.” With this certification, Vultr customers can be assured that using Kubernetes on Vultr will be a consistent experience with other Certified Kubernetes offerings, that Vultr will be making timely updates to its Kubernetes platform, and that users can always independently confirm that VKE remains conformant using Sonobuoy. For more information on the certification process, check out the Certified Kubernetes page on CNCF. To spin up your own Kubernetes cluster using VKE, simply find the Kubernetes section within the control panel.