Vultr empowers developers to innovate and build bleeding edge technologies by providing a scalable and reliable global cloud platform. This is why we are very excited to share our plans to offer a few additional open source updates including Kubernetes!
Kubernetes Cloud Control Manager
Kubernetes is the leading open source solution for container orchestration and offers features such as automated deployments, rollbacks, self-healing, horizontal scaling, service discovery, load balancing and much more. Kubernetes is also part of a very large and rich ecosystem backed by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). This ecosystem offers a wide selection of modern tools which can help you quickly build a production grade containerized clusters with minimal effort. Our new Cloud Controller Manager allows Kubernetes deployments to manage Vultr resources natively. We are releasing early access to this frequently requested plugin on our Github page. You can download this project, collaborate with us, or report issues directly on our Vultr CCM Github Portal.
Additional Github Portal Updates
We are also introducing some new ways to interact and work with our cloud:
- Our official Docker Machine Driver.
- ACME+Terraform Support - Vultr DNS Challenge Provider.
- Coming Soon: Vultr Kuberenetes CSI! The Cloud Storage Interface plugin will allow you to dynamically provision volumes to your Kubernetes cluster.
Browse all our open source projects by visiting or let us know what projects you’d like to see on our Twitter and contact page!