Since launching our official Terraform provider, we have been working diligently to improve the developer experience with HashiCorp and are focused on providing a fantastic developer experience. Today, Vultr is thrilled to announce that we've joined the HashiCorp Technology Partner program! HashiCorp is a global leader in automation and tooling to allow management of cloud infrastructure. Their infrastructure tools vary from provisioning your infrastructure as code with Terraform, building snapshot images to deploy on instances with Packer, and securing your sensitive data and managing secrets with Vault. As a HashiCorp Technology Partner we will work closely with HashiCorp to guarantee that Vultr provides a reliable and fully supported integration of their tooling on our platform. This strengthens our ongoing commitment to provide open source solutions that are fully integrated and tested. Haven't tried Vultr yet? Read about the Vultr Terraform Provider page and deploy your infrastructure today! To ask us questions or give us feedback, you can reach us from our contact page or by tweeting @Vultr.